Welcome to Future Forest. Artwork created by Joseph Bastardo.


// Bastian Void - Ported

Bastian Void - Ported
Digitalis ltd #202

Presenting the artwork (and music) of my first solo album. Out on limited, pro-dubbed chrome cassette from Digitalis Industries.

Midnight Societies by Bastian Void

Glass Age by Bastian Void

Windows 97 / In Reality by Bastian Void

when you open your debut with the sounds of a modem connecting to the internet, you really have to deliver. massachusetts resident joe bastardo lets you know from the first spectrum that he's not fucking around. rhythmic casio spells cast with a wide ’90s web filter in through a slanted prism. with titles like "vaporware," "the TAG towers" and "windows 97 / in reality" you'd be forgiven if your mind drifts toward ferraro-isms, but bastardo's soundtrack runs less underwater and more straight at your throat. "ported" is a pre-apocalyptic cybergasm.

-Digitalis Industries

Ported is out now on cassette tape from Digitalis Ltd. Strictly limited to 75 copies. Check any cool distributor like Mimoroglu or Discriminate Music.